Embracing Multigenerational Living

Young woman sat at desk showing an elderly man something on her phone, with a laptop that is in front of them

Embracing Multigenerational Living: Why It’s Right for You In recent years, multigenerational living has been making a comeback as families discover the many benefits of sharing a home across multiple generations. This trend is reshaping the way we think about housing and family dynamics, challenging traditional norms and fostering stronger bonds. Let’s delve into why…

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The New Residents’ Guide

The New Residents Guide

Isn’t it wonderful when someone identifies a need and then fills it? That’s what happened with my friend Linda Eaves. She realized that we had so many new folks moving to the middle Tennessee area, especially the southern counties of Williamson and Maury, that she felt we needed a New Residents Guide so that all…

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Real Talk About Love & COVID

My family went down with COVID. I’m so grateful that we’re all healthy enough to have weathered the infection and got through it together. But I can’t pretend it was a walk in the park. Though everyone’s experience of symptoms seems to be different, it’s not like getting the sniffles. And no matter how many…

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Gifts That Suit The Crazy Year We’ve All Had

I don’t always feel creative, but this year I’ve been brainstorming some exciting, experience-style gifts for the people I love. Yeah we always want to find the perfect gift, but after the crazy year that everyone has had I think we might be needing something a bit different. Here’s what I’ve got so far in…

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Stop Waiting to Celebrate

At the end of February there’s an unofficial holiday called “Open That Bottle Night.” On the last Saturday in February, it prompts you to take out that bottle of wine you’ve been saving and enjoy it. No more excuses, no more waiting. Celebrate NOW, not later. I think we put a lot of things off.…

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3 Ways to Show Up This Year

I’ve been thinking we all could use more of a personal touch this holiday season. With the necessary isolation that has interrupted a lot of our normal rhythms this year, it seems like we need more than ever to know that the people in our lives actually care. When it comes to business communications, what…

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Tell The Story

Have you ever noticed how hearing the story behind a name tells you so much more than the name on its own? It’s not quite what Shakespeare meant when he said “what’s in a name?” Still, there’s nothing like a story to inspire us. It can be silly things, like the name of a wine…

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