A quick favor for you
I’ve been trying to develop a new habit…it’s something my coach calls a 5-Minute Favor. It’s a way of getting to know people and supporting one another in a way that still fits into busy life. Have you every heard of the 5-Minute Favor?
Here is how it works… Sometimes I’ll write a LinkedIn recommendation, or a Google/Facebook review or even give someone feedback on an idea. It can also be liking a page or sharing a post…commenting on a blog or article. Maybe it is just saying a prayer for success for someone.
I’d really like to do a 5-Minute Favor for you! Do you have any ideas? It really depends on what’s going on in your life or business right now, but if you can think of a quick favor, I’d really love to do it for you. Simply reach out to me and let me know how I can help!
The cool thing about the 5-Minute Favor is that it’s easy to do, it boosts my mood and doesn’t cost anything! Maybe you would like to try it out too. Ask your friends and contacts how you can support them!